What should you know about protective orders?

On Behalf of Longman Jakuback

A person can seek a protective order against another party in the event of a domestic violence allegation. If you are subject to such an order, it is important that you know what it involves so you can avoid transgressions to the best of your ability.

Additionally, you should also be aware of the different types of protective orders, each of which entails unique rules and regulations. Here are a few important points to keep in mind.

Temporary restraining orders

When seeking a protective order, a person must petition the court before the order goes into effect. After filing the petition, a hearing occurs before the judge grants the order. Temporary orders typically last from the initial petition to the date of the hearing.

Protective orders

Protective orders go into effect after the hearing. They have associations with certain statutes, such as the Domestic Abuse Assistance Act and Protection from Stalking Act.

Injunctions against abuse

These orders happen in conjunction with a divorce or legal separation. The judge may issue a preliminary injunction following a court hearing and a permanent injunction after a trial takes place.

Criminal orders of protection

Protective orders can also accompany criminal charges. In this case, the court may choose to issue a criminal order of protection with specific regulations to prevent contact between the defendant and others involved in the case. Criminal orders of protection can also have certain conditions, such as terms necessary for a person’s release from jail or those related to bail.

Regardless of the validity of the allegations against you, you must follow the rules of the specific protection order in question. Doing so ensures you can address allegations effectively while complying with the law.

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