Each of the five schedules of controlled substances has restrictions placed on access based on how potentially dangerous they are. Schedule II controlled substances are the most potent and potentially dangerous substances available with a doctor’s prescription.
While it is common for doctors to prescribe some Schedule II substances, others have extremely limited medical uses. It is rare for doctors to prescribe them at all. Most of the time, their use is illicit and recreational. Louisiana law places special penalties on the possession, manufacture and distribution of these Schedule II substances.
Cocaine is a stimulant drug that produces a rush of euphoria. It decreases appetite and induces insomnia. The body quickly develops a tolerance for cocaine, meaning that people who use it require greater quantities to achieve the same effects. Acute effects of using cocaine can include stroke or heart attack due to its hypertensive effect on the cardiovascular system.
It is rare for doctors to prescribe cocaine because there are newer, more effective treatments. Nevertheless, it still has accepted medical uses to stop mucous membrane bleeding and to anesthetize the upper respiratory tract. Under Louisiana law, an unauthorized person producing cocaine or its analogs can face a fine of up to $500,000 and a prison term of at least 10 years and up to 30 years at hard labor, without parole for the first 10 years.
Like cocaine, methamphetamine is a stimulant drug. The effects of each are the same, but there may be a difference in degree. There is a strong association between meth use and damage to brain cells that produce the pleasure-inducing neurotransmitter dopamine. This can happen with taking relatively low doses for a prolonged period.
Methamphetamine has extremely limited medical uses for treating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and obesity. Under the brand name Desoxyn, it is available in tablets of 5 milligrams with a one-time prescription. The minimum sentence for manufacturing meth is 10 years of hard labor, unless a child was present at the time, in which case the law requires a sentence of at least 15 years without parole.
According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, it is possible for interested parties to petition for a change to a substance’s schedule. If these substances became Schedule I drugs, they would no longer have acceptable medical uses. No known petitions are currently pending.