Can you lose custody because of domestic violence?

On Behalf of Longman Jakuback

Domestic violence can cause people to lose their trust in you and your ability to reasonably interact with others. If you have children, the concerns of those close to you may be substantially higher.

Recognizing that you need help to overcome your anger is an excellent start. However, charges of domestic violence may jeopardize your ability to maintain legal custody of your children.

Seeing a problem

When determining the best interests of your children, their safety and well-being take top priority. According to the Louisiana State Legislature, courts will assess whether or not family violence may endanger your children. This includes sexual abuse, serious bodily harm and instances of ongoing mistreatment. As such, the courts may award custody to your partner or another family member who has the resources and stability to provide for the needs of your children.

You may have never hurt your children and you may feel as though your violence has not impacted them. However, many officials view violence of any kind and toward anyone as an active form of endangerment. Out of an abundance of caution for the protection of your children, courts may feel it in the best interest of your children to remove them from your care.

Changing the outcome

Even if your parenting rights hang in the balance, you can show your care and concern for your children. If you have visitation rights, take advantage of the opportunities you have to spend time with your children. Actively express your love. If you face incarceration, try to maintain regular communication.

If you can eventually make the necessary changes to better handle stressful situations, you may gradually regain the trust of others. Despite the circumstances, you can resolve to parent your children with everything you have.

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