Are you eligible for drug court in East Baton Rouge Parish?

On Behalf of Longman Jakuback

A Louisiana drug offense may lead to serious penalties including jail time. However, if you are a non-violent offender and meet other eligibility requirements, you may be able to enter the 19th Judicial District Court Adult Drug Court Program as an alternative to serving time.

Per the 19th Judicial District Court, you may be able to enter the program if you not only meet eligibility requirements but also receive the approval of the East Baton Rouge Parish District Attorney.

Understanding how drug court works

Drug court combines accountability with treatment. It does so with the hope that, by helping you kick your substance dependency, these programs also reduce future criminal behavior. During the program, you must take drug tests, make regular appearances before the court and undergo frequent substance abuse treatment throughout its duration. The minimum amount of time you must spend in drug court is 15 months.

You also need to either attend school or maintain steady employment while participating in drug court, among other compliance requirements. Those who might refer you to drug court in East Baton Rouge Parish include your own family members or attorneys, judges or law enforcement agencies, among others.

Assessing drug court eligibility

In addition to being a non-violent offender, you must be a resident of East Baton Rouge Parish and face a drug-related charge. You also have to have received a clinical diagnosis for a substance abuse disorder. Furthermore, you have to be statutorily eligible based on your specific drug offense.

If you enter and successfully complete drug court in East Baton Rouge Parish in its entirety, you may be able to have your drug charged expunged from your record.

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