Are pickup drivers more likely to encounter DWI stops?

On Behalf of Longman Jakuback

All Louisianans realize if they drink and drive they may also see flashing lights in their rearview mirrors. After all, state and local jurisdictions regularly patrol roadways for individuals who may be driving while intoxicated. Impaired drivers also may have to contend with sobriety checkpoints.

Still, some motorists may have an increased chance of encountering DWI stops in the Pelican State. According to the insurance aggregator, Insurify, drivers of ten models of vehicles have more DWI arrests on their records than the national average. Six of these are pickup trucks.

Pickup truck models with the most DWI arrests

When it comes to vehicles with the most drunk-driving arrests, the Dodge Ram 2500 truck is far ahead of the pack. In fact, drivers of these vehicles are more than twice as likely as the average driver to have DWI arrests on their records.

Ram 2500s are in good company, though, as drivers of the following models of pickup trucks also have more DWI arrests than the national average:

  • Chevrolet S-10
  • Dodge Dakota
  • Ford Ranger
  • Chevrolet Silverado
  • GMC Sierra

Your strategy for avoiding a DWI stop

Even though it certainly is possible for a driver of any vehicle to face DWI charges, members of law enforcement may pay closer attention to individuals who drive pickup trucks. Consequently, if you drive a truck model on Insurify’s list, you may want to take extra steps to avoid drinking and driving.

If officers stop your truck because they suspect you may be violating the state’s DWI laws, they must comply with a variety of laws and protocols. Ultimately, regardless of the vehicle you are in at the time of your stop, it is advisable to investigate whether officers may have committed some error when stopping or arresting you.

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