3 FAQ about receiving a subpoena

On Behalf of Longman Jakuback

If you receive a subpoena, you likely feel overwhelmed and have many questions.

By understanding the basics, you can help ease your concerns and prevent any legal repercussions.

1. What is a subpoena?

A subpoena is a legal document that commands you to appear in court or produce specific documents or information related to a legal case. You received one because you possess information or evidence relevant to a court case in which you are not directly involved. This document compels your cooperation, as your testimony or documents could be crucial in helping resolve the case.

2. What are my obligations after receiving a subpoena?

Upon receiving a subpoena, you have a legal duty to comply with its demands. Failure to do so can result in legal consequences. If the subpoena instructs you to attend a court hearing or deposition, you must attend at the specified time and place. Considering that in 2022 Baton Rouge courts had 6,763 criminal filings, time is a precious commodity in the legal system. If the subpoena requires you to provide documents, records or other tangible items, gather and deliver them as instructed.

3. Can I refuse to comply with a subpoena?

In most cases, refusing to comply with a subpoena is not advisable. Failing to meet your legal obligations could lead to contempt of court charges and fines. However, there are some limited circumstances in which you may challenge a subpoena, such as having legally protected information. If complying with the subpoena would impose an unreasonable burden or expense, you can request a modification or exemption from the court.

By complying with a subpoena when appropriate and when necessary, you can ensure that you fulfill your legal responsibilities while safeguarding your interests.

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