Baton Rouge Reproductive Rights Lawyer

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Baton Rouge Reproductive Rights Attorney

At Longman Jakuback, we understand the dire implications of Louisiana’s anti-abortion laws. If you are being investigated or facing a criminal charge related to abortion, contact our Baton Rouge Reproductive Rights Lawyer as soon as possible. We are a team of passionate, experienced defense attorneys who are fully committed to protecting women’s rights and reproductive health in Louisiana. We have a long record of success in a wide variety of criminal defense cases, and we are here to fight for you and protect your rights and future.

For a free consultation, please call us in Baton Rouge at 225-383-3644 or complete our contact form. Our attorneys represent clients statewide.

Best Baton Rouge Reproductive Rights Lawyer

What The Supreme Court Did

The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn two cases — Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey — has upended women’s rights and reproductive health in Louisiana and other states across the country. Louisiana has its own “trigger law” that criminalizes abortions in the state, and this law takes immediate effect upon the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. We understand the shocking gravity of this crisis, and we are here to help those who are facing criminal charges as a result.

Specifically, Louisiana’s “trigger law” makes it a crime to cause or aid in terminating a pregnancy. While the law states that pregnant women will not be subject to criminal conviction or penalties, other laws regarding abortions could allow for women to be prosecuted for terminating a pregnancy or for other outcomes of pregnancy.

What Do The Anti-Abortion Laws In Louisiana Say?

There are multiple laws in Louisiana that allow for criminal prosecution regarding abortion. As they are currently written, the anti-abortion laws in Louisiana allow for the following:

  • Prosecution of physicians or other persons who perform a partial birth abortion that results in the death of a living fetus.
  • Prosecution of anyone who is not a licensed physician and who performs an abortion that results in the death of an unborn child.
  • Prosecution of anyone who administers or prescribes any substance, or who uses any instrument, to terminate a pregnancy, with some exceptions. However, all abortions after 15 weeks are prohibited.
  • Prosecution of anyone who distributes an abortifacient — a drug that causes an abortion — or publishes advertisements of abortifacients.
  • Prosecution of anyone who advertises the availability of abortion services.

Perhaps most importantly, Louisiana’s anti-abortion laws impose criminal liability on any person even minimally involved in the process of facilitating an illegal abortion. If you have any questions at all about these matters, we encourage you to contact us immediately.

IMPORTANT: Do not let a prosecutor’s charges go unchallenged, and do not trust your case to a lawyer who is not fully committed to protecting your rights. Not every criminal defense attorney is on your side in matters of abortion rights. We are on your side. 
Longman Jakuback
 is here to fight for you and your future.

Contact Us For A Free Consultation

Please call our dedicated team of criminal defense attorneys today. You can reach us in Baton Rouge at 225-383-3644, or complete our contact form to arrange a free consultation.

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